SnowStorm 17 Nov

It’s snowing, you all know what that means. Almost Ski Season time!!!

Monday Night / Tuesday Morning we got a lot of snow here in Southern West Virginia. It wasn’t our first snow fall, that was 28 Oct, it was just a dusting and that hardly counts. Here is what that snowfall looked like. You’ll see it wasn’t really a snowfall, just a light coating.

This snowstorm started dropping the good heavy snow early. It was that perfect snow. The kind that is heavy and fun. Almost good enough to make snowpeople, and very good to make snowballs.

The weather make me want to change up the website, which I’m going to guess you’ve seen already. If not, then you most visit it, I’d like some feedback on TV MAVIS?! Do you like it?

Now that ski season is approaching, rooms book up quickly so PLAN ahead! Booking early saves you some money. Can wait to see some of my winter freinds again this year!

Till I see you!

-Sir Justyn -- Baron --


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