Lies big fat lies
I first heard of "Climate Change" in first grade. In 1987, I was told that Acid Rain was going to destroy all the trees, and by the time I was 40 ALL the tree would be gone or very rare. So, I learned about recycling and started doing things I had control over, planed trees, and such. Then in the early 90s I was told the Ozone hole was getting bigger and by 2010 we wouldn't be able to go outside without skin protection. So, again I took more steps in adjusting my life to deal with this. In the late 90s I was told that ocean levels would rise, so, I didn't move the the coast, I entered college with the idea of educating folks on how to combat Global Warming. In the early 2000s, I was told the planet is going to get so hot that millions of people will die, hurricane will destroy the coastland, farmland will be unuseable Dust Bowl 2.0, the ice cap were going to melt by 2020. So again I made choices in my life to do my part. -- Today, hear all the same fear porn. I reflect on what I did, and I'm glad I did it, but guess what. That Coast Land is now owned by big businesses destroying the ecosystem, the Sun Screen is causing cancer, lots of good people got forced out of farming because of the fear of not making money and big Agro moved in. Million if not Billion of dollars were wasted to study something that didn't come true. Fracking replaced Nuclear as a future energy source, and million of poor people died because of the Climate Agenda. AGW, Global Warming. ALL lies to trick us from focusing on the issues we can solve. (Localized pollution) They scare us into downsizing our SUV while trying us to buy a new smart phone each year, and device that destory not only the local environment, but the health and lives of miillions. AGW / Global Warming is the biggest SCAM of my lifetime. -- I've read countless journals, studies the field for years, looked into all the possible alternative, and it's all just a distraction to convince the middle class and poor to give of their money to a brand that makes them feel better about themselves without having to do a DAMN thing. - I'm a Conservationist, I use permaculture to teach folks a localized friendly way to live their lives, I fight against pollution, but I no longer believe the lies from the pseudosciencist that PREACH the rapture because of AGW.