Fixing the Future

"Let's build good things, instead of being angry at bad people."

Do you need to be prompted? If so, here is your chance. Here is how you can help.

1.) We need some help with the finalization of The Mavis Institute NonProfit.

2.) Profit ideas for next years farming adventures. (What should we grow to make the most profits?) Good market research would be helpful.

3.) Labour. Can you put in a few hours of sweat? How about other skill sets you can help with.

4.) Podcast work. ideas, guests, editing, promoting.

5.) Masterminds - More of a Thinktank of people that are always thinking of creative ways to improve our vision. My mind needs outside positive simulations from time to time.

Who is ready to be part of something awesome, Together we will be the positive change everyone NEEDS to see.


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