2014 Predictions
2014 Predictions / Goals
World Predictions
a. Stock Market Crash (Major Drop)
b. 8+ Earthquake
c. Something very Strange with the Weather
North American Predictions
a. Major Power Outage 2 Million 48+ hours
b. 5,000 Weather related date week.
c. Major Hurricane
My Reality (Goals)
a. Buy a Canoe (Take 8)
b. Build a Cabin / House
c. Bee Hive
d. 2 New Friends
e. See Northern Lights
My Reality (Predictions)
a. Death of a Friend
b. a Very Happy Day
c. without Power for total time 2+ weeks
My Score 2008-2013 Total = 36-29-07
13 for 2013 (5-6-2)
World Predictions (3-2)
Collapse of a Known Country Syria
New Pope Francis
Major Discovery Lot's of Earthlike Planets
North American Predictions (0-2-1)
A Super Happy Day PENDING
My Reality (Goals) (2-2-1)
Alternative Power Supply So/So
Large Garden Trees, Veggies, Corn
Working Car (6+ months) + an Extra car
The 13 Predictions of 2012 (Review) (5-7)
World Predictions (2-2)
2. X-Class Solar Flare hits Earth X5 3/6/12
3. Hottest Temp Record Hottest year on Record
4. 12.21.12 @11.11 will be a Man made Event FAIL
North American Predictions (2-1)
1. Death of an Occupier FAIL
2. Military on Street Weird training + Tanks on streets in St. Louis
3. East Coast Earthquake 6+ 8.Nov 6.3 Vancouver 6.4 14.Dec Baja California
My Reality (Goals) (1-4)
1. Buy a Canoe (Take 6) FAIL
2. Visit more than 13 states FAIL (WV,VA,NC,SC,GA,FL,OH)
3. 2+ New Friends Updating Soon
4. 30% @ Mavis Manor FAIL
5. Use less kW then 2011 (25431 kW) REVIEWING
a. Create 25% of 2012 usage.
6. Classic Car FAIL