Poem - Dendro Amor

Dendro Amor

Some love poems talk of forever and a day
Some use beautiful words and whisk you away
Frost talks of journys and great voyages on
some are tragic, intents but then gone
I myself see love complained to trees
Needle, branches leaves, moving in the breeze
A tree love the soil, the dirt, and love the ground
enriches it complete, and gently moves it around
Holds firms with its roots to never let go
held back in return when a strong storms a blow
Ash, Acer, Palmae, Quercus or Pine
Broadleaf, heartshaped, and needles are fine
A tree is pure love, everlasting and strong
Towering shadows over head, and root ball miles long
Only a tiny area is needed to foster its growth
Protect, Provide, and shelter all in it's oath
Feel its' strong branches hold you high in the air
Sunshine on your face, and wind in your hair
take a moment and sit be held as a dove
this is how a tree is an example of pure love
J.J. Ryvers


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