Myr - Lost in the Fire

Life is so fragile. It's important to remember that even when you lose touch with friends those moment you shared together will always last in your memories.


-- Today I lost a disconnect friend. We may not have talked much in last few months, but are friendship still meant a lot to me. I will miss our lively conversations.


-- Another disconnect friend was very badly injured. I did get to have a good finally conversation with him, and I hope with all the positive vibe in my soul, that if he is able to recover he can find peace in life again. 

-- Finally, to all family and friends feeling the ripples of this horrible tragic event. Together we feel the pain, together we mourn the lost of our relationships. If anyone need to talk, you know how to find me, I will be hear to listen, talk, or just sit silently with you.


-- To everyone else. Please add a little more positive vibes out into the multiverse this evening. If you pray say a prayer, if you medicate send out some healing energy, and if your want to send out some happy thoughts, lovely. Hug someone. Take that extra second so show you care. We need more happy go lucky vibes.
I will miss you friends. I will see you again, in another life when we are both cats.


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